Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vote for me, beyotches

So here's the deal. I've lived in a foreign country. I've read books about many countries. I've even maintained friendships with people in other countries, and some of us worked on projects together. Successfully too.

So, you know, maintaining those friendships required diplomacy, so I have experience in international diplomacy. And since I tried to get along with my friends in different parts of the world, I have experience working for world peace. And when two of the Middle Eastern coders on my team were beefing, I quashed the argument, so I'm saying I've got experience bringing peace to the Middle East. Ah, but you laugh at my experience.

But what about her:


(That's Sheryl Crow, Sinbad, Hillary, and Chelsea on stage in Kosovo.)

From Ben Smith at Politico:
Obama communications director Robert Gibbs emails reporters with a picture of Clinton and Sheryl Crow from a 1996 trip to Kosovo Bosnia, linking a series of recent articles including this Chicago Tribune piece making the point that Clinton wasn't a central player on foreign policy in her husband's administration.

And from the Chicago Tribune Piece on Hillary's lack of real foreign policy experience, Clinton's experience claim under scrutiny.
Clinton says:
Pressed in a CNN interview this week for specific examples of foreign policy experience that has prepared her for an international crisis, Clinton claimed that she "helped to bring peace" to Northern Ireland and negotiated with Macedonia to open up its border to refugees from Kosovo. She also cited "standing up" to the Chinese government on women's rights and a one-day visit she made to Bosnia following the Dayton peace accords.

And on her claim that she somehow "helped shore up support for the Kosovars":
But Ivo Daalder, a former Clinton NSC official with responsibility for the Balkans and author of a history of the Kosovo conflict, said the border opening had nothing to do with her negotiating skills.
"It was her coming that helped. But she had absolutely no role in the dirty work of negotiations," said Daalder, an Obama supporter. "This had nothing to do with her competence."

Like I said, vote for me, beyotches!

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